Community solar at Cedar Ridge Community Church, Spencerville Maryland
Green Your Congregation

Our congregational buildings are beacons in our communities. When we change the way we use electricity, source our food, or manage the grounds of our congregational buildings, we not only steward our resources wisely but model gentler ways of living to all who enter.
We invite you to form a congregational green team, to join in community with kindred spirits in your denomination or region, and to undertake practical projects to live out your values inside and outside your sanctuary.
Save Energy

Congregations seeking to save energy in their facilities have numerous incentives and financing resources available to them, depending on location.
In DC and in Maryland, congregations above a certain size are required by law to benchmark their energy use. And, all congregations can benefit from measuring and reducing their energy use by using the Energy Star for Congregations program.
Contact us for guidance about how to begin measuring and reducing your facility’s energy use, and what opportunities are available to your community!
Folks look to their congregations for inspiration. Share your commitment to energy conservation with our light switch reminders, and invite your members to save energy at home.
Pictured: Aroosa Khan, Islamic Society of Frederick
Congregational Solar

We’ve guided dozens of congregational facilities through the process of going solar and convene all of the region’s solar congregations for sharing lessons learned. We even curate a map of all the congregations that have gone solar in the region!
If you’re interested in exploring a solar project for your congregation, the most important first step is to understand how congregational solar financing works and to make sure all of your decision-makers do, as well. Once you’re ready, get in touch!
Sustain a Green Team

Forming and sustaining a green team is a powerful way to educate and make change within one’s community.
Wherever you are on the journey, we’re here to help. Fill out our contact form to connect with us and we’ll help you take next steps and connect you with people and resources to support your efforts.
Our Green Leaders listserv is a wonderful resource for sharing information and encouragement among green leaders in congregations across our region. To subscribe, send an email to

The green team organized a native plant give-away at IMAAM Center in Silver Spring.

IPC’s Faithful Green Leaders Training Program
Our partner, Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC) provides learning opportunities through their free Faithful Green Leaders Training program to help green leaders at their acquire the knowledge, skills, tools, and support they need to lead their communities in raising awareness and restoring the waters of the Chesapeake region.
Pictured: Lewinsville Presbyterian Church Faith in Action Green Leaders at a rally. Photo by David Kepley.
Green Congregations
Guides & Certifications
Green teams in congregations in the IPL-DMV network have found guidance as they undertake comprehensive upgrades to their facilities from Cool Congregations, and from denominational programs:
Light Switch Reminders
Order a set of light switch reminders for your congregation or home.
We currently offer:
“We care for the Earth.”
Baha’i “So powerful is the light of unity…”
Buddhist “Be a lamp unto yourself.”
“Practice Ahimsa/Nonviolence.”
Christian “We care for Creation.”
(also available in Spanish or Korean)
“Be mindful of the Light.” (Friends)
“We care for our Common Home.” (Catholic)
(also available in Spanish)
Ethical Culture “Practice Earth Ethics.”
Hindu/Jain “Practice Ahimsa/Nonviolence.”
Jewish “Lo tashchit/Don’t waste.”
Muslim “Bismillah-hir-rahman-arrahim/In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful”
Pagan “We protect our greatest teacher. So mote it be!”
Sikh “Care for Waheguru’s balance.”
Unitarian Universalist “Honor the seventh principle.”
(also available in Spanish)
We don’t charge, but will include a donation envelope in the package for an offering if you wish. Suggestions welcome for adapting these sacred reminders to additional religious traditions!
To order or make suggestions, email operations @
Order a set of light switch reminders for your congregation or home.
We currently offer:
“We care for the Earth.”
“So powerful is the light of unity…”
“Be a lamp unto yourself.”
“Practice Ahimsa/Nonviolence.”
“We care for Creation.”
(also available in Spanish or Korean)
“Be mindful of the Light.” (Friends)
“We care for our Common Home.” (Catholic)
(also available in Spanish)
Ethical Culture
“Practice Earth Ethics.”
“Practice Ahimsa/Nonviolence.”
“Lo tashchit/Don’t waste.”
“Bismillah-hir-rahman-arrahim/In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful”
“Care for Waheguru’s balance.”
Unitarian Universalist
“Honor the seventh principle.”
(also available in Spanish)
We don’t charge, but will include a donation envelope in the package for an offering if you wish. Suggestions welcome for adapting these sacred reminders to additional religious traditions!
To order or make suggestions, email operations @
Consult with Us
Whether you’ve just started taking leadership at your congregation or you’re well into a decade of hard work, we want to help with whatever project you’re implementing or whatever problem you’re facing.
With years of experience as community organizers helping green leaders work in congregations, our team is equipped to support your good green work.