Grassroots donations sustain our work!

Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) is grateful to hundreds of individuals, religious organizations, and foundations for their financial support.

  • Please direct checks to:

               IPL-DMV or Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA)
               900 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001

  • Support Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) at your workplace through the Combined Federal Campaign/EarthShare: #62830.
  • We are happy to receive gifts of appreciated securities or via third-party trusts and funds via our fiscal sponsor, the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington (whose legal name is the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, #52-1156410). Please clearly indicate in a “memo” field that the gift is intended for Interfaith Power & Light (IPL-DMV), and email operations @ so we can share brokerage details, and/or so we will know to expect your gift.